Tag: science

8. Milk!8. Milk!

In Keera and Kira’s first episode with Jefferson Smith, host of XRAY’s Morning Show, the ladies discuss the history and science of milk. Jefferson, on the other hand, internally questions whether or not he ever wants to do another show with 2 nerdy ladies who seem to be unusually enthusiastic about the science of dairy products.

Topics include:

  • What’s happening at the molecular level when cream becomes whipped cream?
  • Why are some people lactose intolerant? What features do lactose tolerant people possess that gives them the ability to safely digest dairy?
  • Is cheese really as addictive as crack?

7. Back to School7. Back to School

Kids are going back to school! Which means they’re inevitably going to come home with questions about science that you may not remember the answer to because, well, you learned them a long, long time ago.

In today’s episode we cover some of the basics of chemistry, biology, and physics, and how to make science exciting for both you and your kids. We also lay out some science experiments you can do at home, and how to explain them appropriately to little kids, medium kids, and big kids.

We also make Christine throw paper airplanes around the studio. So, your welcome.

5. Fake News?5. Fake News?

We live in a pretty amazing, and crazy time: We have more information than we know what to do with. Every day in the media we are bombarded with information and ideas that divide us, that encourage us to take a stance and make decisions about big issues like what to eat and how to behave.

While it may not be obvious, media is often presented in a way that does not accurately depict what researchers have found, or adds emotionally-charged conclusions that an academic scientist wouldn’t be so quick to jump to.

How are the following headlines misconstruing actual scientific findings? Is the emotional-spin that Media lends to articles swaying our opinions, and keeping us divided?

  • Meat-Eaters May Have a Higher Risk of Death, But Plants Are the Answer
  • Several Animal Studies Indicate Health Risks Associated with GM Food
  • Hugging Your Dog Is Making It Stressed Out, Study Finds


4. Science Fiction Movies, In Spaaaaace!4. Science Fiction Movies, In Spaaaaace!

Science Fiction movies are great. But for us, half the fun of watching them is how blatantly they misrepresent the actual science behind their plots. Its ridiculous, it’s inaccurate, and it’s a heck of a lot of fun to pick apart.

On today’s show, we listen to a few clips from some of our favorite science fiction movies, and focus in on one of the major inaccuracies, then give you three possible reasons why it wouldn’t have happened that way. Only one of the totally-plausible sounding scientific explanations is the right one. Can you figure out which it is before the DJs? 

Quiz: “You know they got it wrong, but do you know why?”


2. The Importance of Play2. The Importance of Play

In the first official episode of Everything Is Interesting as its own radio segment, Kira and Keera (we called her Kay back then!) talk about the importance of playing, both for children and adults. Video games, playing outside, puzzles, science experiments, and “adult” play, build memory and reasoning skills, dispel aggressive behavior, promote social inclusion, and contribute to many facets of healthy brain development.

Because they are so dedicated to the healthy brain development of the XRAY in the Morning DJs, Kira and Keera bring a hands-on science game, making the crew spin raw eggs in the studio to learn about inertia, density, and drunk ballerinas.