5. Fake News?5. Fake News?
We live in a pretty amazing, and crazy time: We have more information than we know what to do with. Every day in the media we are bombarded with information and ideas that divide us, that encourage us to take a stance and make decisions about big issues like what to eat and how to behave.
While it may not be obvious, media is often presented in a way that does not accurately depict what researchers have found, or adds emotionally-charged conclusions that an academic scientist wouldn’t be so quick to jump to.
How are the following headlines misconstruing actual scientific findings? Is the emotional-spin that Media lends to articles swaying our opinions, and keeping us divided?
- Meat-Eaters May Have a Higher Risk of Death, But Plants Are the Answer
- Several Animal Studies Indicate Health Risks Associated with GM Food
- Hugging Your Dog Is Making It Stressed Out, Study Finds